Porcelain Veneers vs Composite Resin Veneers: A Review

Jenny Lalmalsawmi Sailo *

Department of Prosthodontics, Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar, India.

Natasha Bathla

Department of Prosthodontics, Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar, India.

Prarthana Thakur

Department of Prosthodontics, Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar, India.

Archana Nagpal

Department of Prosthodontics, Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar, India.

Rajeev Gupta

Department of Prosthodontics, Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar, India.

Karan Duvedi

Department of Prosthodontics, Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The main concern for clinical dentistry is the rehabilitation of lost dental aesthetics. These days' people are more conscious of how they feel about their smiles and their effect on other people. Contemporarily based upon the patient's fascination, they are various procedures and material options to select. It is quite challenging for the dentist to satisfy the needs and keep within the patient's budget. The effect of preparation design and material type on the success of dental veneers is controversial. Usually, the clinician's preference decides the preparation geometry. Nevertheless, veneers with incisal coverage seem to have better aesthetic and more predictable outcomes, while having a chamfer finish line palatable seems to be unnecessary, and limiting the preparation to a butt-join finish line is more sensible. Composite veneers provide good aesthetic outcome and patient satisfaction; however, due to its physical properties and bonding strength compared to porcelain veneers, composite veneers tend to fail significantly faster than porcelain veneers. Therefore, veneers have to compare, reviewed, and discussed in details. This review literature discusses the essential parameters.

Keywords: Veneers, laminate veneers, porcelain veneers, composite resin, direct composite veneering, dental ceramic, aesthetics.

How to Cite

Sailo, Jenny Lalmalsawmi, Natasha Bathla, Prarthana Thakur, Archana Nagpal, Rajeev Gupta, and Karan Duvedi. 2020. “Porcelain Veneers Vs Composite Resin Veneers: A Review”. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 32 (24):316-26. https://doi.org/10.9734/jammr/2020/v32i2430784.